Bioinformatics Lab

by Timo Mühlhaus


Bioinformatics is today an important discipline of Life Sciences. It is an integration of computer science, and mathematical and statistical methods to manage and analyze biological data. Bioinformatics aims at projecting biological problems into a framework where they can be solved using approaches of computer science.

Winter Semester

Fundamental concepts of Bioinformatics (Lecture: BIO-BTE-03-V-7)

Friday 10.45-11.30 in room 13-360. Start: October 25.

This lecture series provides master students with the fundamental knowledge in basic programming, biostatistics and machine learning. The topics are:

  1. Bioinformatics the basic principle
  2. Object oriented programming
  3. Functional programming
  4. Use cases and code understanding
  5. Programming pattern and code understanding
  6. Introduction to statistics
  7. Hypothesis Testing
  8. Generalized linear models
  9. Nonlinear models and interpolation
  10. Multivariate Statistics
  11. Sequence Statistics I
  12. Sequence Statistics II
  13. Machine Learning I
  14. Machine Learning II

Link to PDFs of the lecture | Lecture on

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